Thursday, 18 June 2009

Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Batman!!!!

I've not shared any delicious dinners with you for a good few's a fewdles...

Meatball sub and chips - Frankie & Benny's

Chicken with cheese & bacon - Ha Ha's...mmmmmmmmmm...followed by...

Chocolate brownies & ice cream mmmmmmmm

Chicken & Meatball pizza pasty hybrid thingy - Zizzi's....yum, but a tad too hot for me!

And there we are children. I also had an orange yoghurt, but that didn't photo well.


Buy Car. Get Bus Home.

And so sitting on the bus completely packed with old people, i decided to rid myself of this hell by purchasing a car. So i bought a car. It's a blue one.
I drove it to work and left it in the car park, where all the birds took it upon themselves to cover it in shit. I finished work and tried the ignition.
Cut a long story short - it seems i had left the lights on. Who knew. Not me.
Anyway, man that sold me it kindly came and jump started it and even lent me his charger.
It's charging right now. Hopefully.
I say hopefully, i have no real way of telling. It might just be sat there with a couple of 'thingys' attached to it.
Anyway, it's a weird car. I say weird, because i can't work out how to drive it. It certainly moves about, but the clutch is different to what i'm used to, and i sense i may struggle on hill starts for a good few days.
Anyway, that's me at the moment. Sitting, waiting, wishing.
Good day to yous.

Friday, 5 June 2009


I grew concerned that i was becoming obsessed with food blogs, so i took a photo of my leg

Then i had some dinner.

Chicken, Bacon, Leak

I made a pie for dinner. Then i eated it.