I had my first car accident a few weeks back, i filed my first police report, got my first police caution, ate my first soufflé, visited Paris, did some christmas shopping, had an outing in Basildon, attended A & E and wore some longjohns.
Busy times indeed.
I have also spent much time constructing my new year resolutions list. So far it is looking like this:
- more proactiveness in all things imaginative and artistic. I aim to produce 'something' for each and every week of the year.
- less internet, less television, less procrastination in general.
- eat less chocolate.
- get my hair cut
To be fair, it isn't the greatest list in the world. However, it is a start.
In other news, i am looking forward to christmas arriving. I like presents, and i like seeing my mum. She is a nice lady. I am hoping i can get to Ramsgate and back without someone using my car as target practice.
Also, i am looking forward to seeing 'Where The Wild Things Are' at the cinema.
That is all for now...i have chocolate to eat and television to watch.
Good day to you.
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